GPS Sober Living

One day at a time

About GPS Recovery

For over a decade, the founders of GPS Recovery have been dedicated to helping others transform their lives through personalized and compassionate recovery support.

Begin Your Journey Today


We will make it simple.


Start the process.


Transform your life.

Our Mission

Commitment To Recovery

At GPS Recovery, our mission is rooted in a steadfast commitment to recovery. We recognize the complex challenges faced by individuals struggling with substance abuse and dedicate ourselves to providing a supportive, nurturing environment that fosters long-term sobriety. Our approach is holistic, addressing not just physical recovery, but also mental and emotional well-being. By equipping our residents with the necessary tools, resources, and support networks, we strive to empower them on their journey towards a healthier, substance-free life, ensuring every step is taken with care and understanding.

"Once you choose hope, anything is possible". -Christopher Reeve

"Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself." - Leo Tolstoy

A Life Remembered

The Foundation of Our Program

GPS is strengthened by what GPS stands for. GPS are the initials of Chris's younger brother Gregory Paul Shadek, who lost his life to addiction in 2016.  This tragic event occurs every 10 minutes in the United States and is becoming a reality for more and more families. The driving force that embodies GPS' mission represents both sides of addiction: Living and Dying. The painful lesson from Greg's passing is that once you are gone, there are no more chances, no more hope, and thus recovery is no longer an option...the harshest of realities. Greg as well as 100,306 people (CDC) April 2020-April 2021 were never giving that opportunity, a new chance. BUT!, if you are alive, there is always hope - hope to get better, hope to live, hope to experience all of life's ups and downs and most importantly a life to be lived and experienced. GPS created a program based on this hope of living to help. 

Meet our founders

The Founders of GPS Recovery

Chuck Demarino and Chris Shadek's journey to founding GPS Recovery is a story of transformation and redemption. Their personal battles with addiction, repeated experiences with treatment centers, and attempts at sobriety in various recovery homes, have deeply shaped their understanding of the recovery process. Their challenging paths led them to a profound realization that sobriety not only gave them their lives back but also a mission to help others. They combined their experiences to create GPS Recovery, a unique environment designed to assist others in navigating early recovery and building a sustainable future. Their commitment stems from a heartfelt desire to share the gift of a life happily lived in sobriety.

"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

Three Guarantees For Our

Safe & Structured Living Space


We provide a secure and well-ordered environment, free from drugs and alcohol, we cater to individuals who are overcoming substance abuse challenges and are committed to their journey of recovery.”


We foster an environment that motivates residents to transform negative thought patterns, set and pursue meaningful goals, and embrace the process of personal reinvention.


We offer a comprehensive accountability program, complete with a robust support network and a nurturing recovery community, to ensure ongoing support and guidance for our residents.

"GPS changed my life, it's unlike any other recovery house I've been to or heard about. I lived in the house for a total of a year and The owners Chris and Chuck helped each resident individually and do everything they can to help get people back on their feet. The house is run similar to a family where everyone cares and is there for each other. I owe it to Chris, Chuck and the guys I lived with in the house to set me on the proper path that I'm on today."
Former Resident

Take The first step today

Start fighting today for your tomorrow.